
Showing posts from July, 2019

Towards a Patakabbal part 3

(first published in Maybe Quarterly vol. 2 issue 4, winter solstice 2005. This online magazine was sadly removed but one can still find its reflections in the Wayback Machine .) Part 4. The Book of Sand Chapter 1. Emanations and commissions: the Collège as a tree The sefirotic trees are a metaphor for different emanations of that which a kabbalist calls 'god' for lack of a better word. As in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics , study of kabbalah is a study of that which we are able to percieve, not of the world itself but of its emanations. Revelation stands for the insight into those symbols, which probably tell as much about the examiner as about that which gets examined. The immanent ( Ayin Sof , every-thing) and the transcendent ( Ayin , no-thing) are by definition impossible to percieve. No hidden variables here, but a way of considering different reality-tunnels as in Maybe Logic ! Similarly the structure of the Collège de 'Pataphysiq...

Towards a Patakabbal part 2

(first published in Maybe Quarterly vol. 2 issue 4, winter solstice 2005. This online magazine was sadly removed but one can still find its reflections in the Wayback Machine .) Part 2. A Spiral Kabbal Chapter 1. As above, so below The first letter of the hebrew alefbet, Aleph , allegedly was created starting from the image of a man pointing down with one hand and up with the other. In magick it symbolizes the equality of microsphere and macrosphere, the similarity in structure between up and down, the meeting and melting point of the opposites. Eliphas Levi wrote in his magnus opus ' Transcendental Magic ' about the Aleph: "the form is proportional to the idea; the shadow is the measure of the body calculated in its relation to the luminous ray; the scabbard is as deep as the sword is long; the negation is in proportion to the contrary affirmation; production is equal to destruction in the movement which preserves life; and there is no point i...

Towards a Patakabbal part 1

(first published in Maybe Quarterly vol. 2 issue 4, winter solstice 2005. This online magazine was sadly removed but one can still find its reflections in the Wayback Machine .) Personification and falsehood   Get a grip on Bat Kol, I'm taking away Jacob's ladder "Talking about things that are understandable only weighs down the mind" Alfred Jarry A 'pataphysician has an altitude in if but no attitude in life. The person , that which mosbunall confuse with the self, is considered as an imaginary solution. There are as many roles on the stage of life as there are possible answers to a poll answered by Jarry. The character of a 'pataphysician is like a glove, like a puppet in a theater .   Advertisement by Jarry for "Les Minutes de Sable Mémorial" in L'Ymagier II (January 1895) A kaballist also sees life as a theatre play. The role played is considered a mere shadow resulting from the rules of the divine li...

Aforismes 2

Twee tegenstrijdige bedenkingen. Enerzijds is alle sociale onrust in de wereld gestoeid op het verwarren van enerzijds ideeën, bedenkingen, voorstellingen, symbolen en metaforen met feiten anderzijds. Manipulatie en false facts zijn allen ontstaan uit het gelijkstellen van beide werelden. In een beschaving waar beide door iedereen duidelijk uit elkaar gescheiden blijven kan geen enkele politieker, geen enkele psychopaat voor polarisatie zorgen. Anderzijds een overtuiging dat bovengenoemde imaginaire werelden evenzeer realiteitswaarde hebben als een stoel, een tafel of een innige omhelzing. Ik bepaal mijn wereld via mijn wereldbeeld. My words define my world. Mijn fantasie is echt. Ik beeld mij een purperen eenhoorn in, die regenboogscheet laat en die groen verft. Dit is echt in de zin dat ik mij dit echt inbeeld. Simpel eigenlijk: geen tegenstelling, net doordat wij allen onbewust weten dat het persoonlijk wereldbeeld bepaalt hoe we onze ervaringsdomeinen ontwikkelen, net daardoor k...

Sin vs Karma

(my first post from 2007) First entry. I'll just grab a little text I send to the Maybe Logic   course Tale of the Tribe. The three monotheistic world religions christianity, hebraism and islam all use the concept of sin to keep their cattle on a leash. The Pentateuch contains a huge amount of rules to follow to keep god happy. Two distinct types of evil (but both considered equally bad) coexist within the Hebrew Scriptures: Moral sin (a conscious, intentional, personal attitude and act, close to the concept of sin for christians) and uncleanness (which has nothing to do with motive or intention). Some types of uncleanness, still according to the mosaic code, can only find a solution in the physical elimination. Probably originally a rather cruel but effective way of preserving the community by getting rid of contagious diseases… The word Islam originally means "submission to the will of Allah". Therefore Islam defines sin as an act in contrast to this will. T...

Aphorismes 2

Un anniversaire ne fait que célébrer la séparation du placenta. En guise de réminiscence généralement le fêtard reçoit du gâteau, ce qui devrait symboliser l'époque perdue où la nourriture était pourvue sans effort. Il serait préférable de célébrer la date d'insémination, moment autrement plus capital, environ 9 mois avant la naissance. Encore les parents devraient-ils noter méticuleusement leurs dates de fornication dans un agenda afin de pouvoir cible la date exacte. On pourrait fêter l'évènement par du tir à l'arc, un saut à l'élastique ou une partouze généralisée. -- Mon état est mal heureux: atteint de bonheur mais pas foutu d'en faire quelque chose. -- Aux quatre bêtes de la providence, devenues symboles des quatre évangélistes, correspondent en creux le lion, le dragon, le basilic et la vipère, misères de la chair, de l’esprit, de l’orgueil et de la mort, devenues symboles des quatre cavaliers de l’apocalypse, à savoir la famine, la peste,...